Saturday, May 22, 2010

Men cheat because.........????

Yesterday was so deep. For some odd reason every conversation I had with my co workers was about men and cheating. So it inspired me to write this blog. First let me say this ladies, "ITS NOT YOU." You will hear me say that throughout this blog. "ITS NOT YOU." I'm the type of person that will never share a an opinion about a subject unless I experience it myself. After three marriages I feel I could be the best Marriage or relationship consultant in the world (LOL). ITS NOT YOU, trust me ladies, its not you when your man or husband is cheating. So don't lose self esteem. 85 percent of why men cheat is not because of something lacking in the women, its something totally different and in this blog, we going to get right to it. Some of you are going to so Disagree with me, but when you think hard about it deep down inside you will agree.

Lets start in the womb. When GOD decides he is going to bless the womb with a male, we begin the journey of adventure. For 9 Months, we are LOVED, and Nurtured by a women. When we finally break the womb, the first Love we experience is the Love of the Women (mother). Our first school teacher 75% of the time is a Women. If shes HOT we form a crush on her. Come on guys you remember one of your first crushes was your teacher. I know my first crush was with a NUN, Sister Edna, she was one FINE NUN. I will never forget her. (I went to a Catholic School by the way). Then we (men) meet that first girl we are attracted to. So when we discover that we are attracted to women, the adventure begins. Now I cant speak for Gay dudes, I'm not gay but I would love to write a blog about your experience as well. Notice I said adventure, that's how we (men) see life. At least I do. OK now lets take a look back in time for a minute, actually lets go back to AFRICA. If you ever get a chance to go to Africa, GO! In certain parts of Africa, the leaders or men of Royalty have more then one wife. Its a practice that has been in existence since the beginning of the Universe. Now you Women are saying, OH HELL NAW, You not going to blame this on AFRICA. Yes I am. I'm not going to blame it on the devil, like most do. We (Black men especially) have to Blame it on AFRICA, if not we are nothing but a bunch of Nasty Dogs that can never be cured. So now that we are at the root of the situation (problem), lets go for the solution.

Today Cheaters are coming out the woodwork, they even have a show called Cheaters. Politicians, Preachers, Teachers, Businessmen, everybody is cheating. Well not everybody, we will deal with men that don't cheat in another blog. Women why don't you think men between the ages of 19 to 45 aren't rushing to get married today? Its simple, they know they cant be faithful so why waist the time. Remember Ladies, "ITS NOT YOU." Some of the Hottest women in the world get cheated on. Halle, Vanessa Williams, Kobes Wife (lol), My past wives. Yes I said my past wives. As bad as I desired to be a good husband I cheated also. Yes I feel bad about it and I struggled with it for a long time, especially after I saw the hurt and pain it caused my wives. Thank GOD we are all great friends now and its nothing in the world we wouldn't do for each other. It was never nothing my wives did wrong or lacking at all. Both my Ex Wives are FINE as HEAVEN, SEXY and Yes the BED ROOM was the BOMB. BUT, its a BUT there. I still was attracted to other women. If it was someone I wanted, I would do everything in my power to get it. Ladies you be surprise what men do to win you over. Well Maybe not now a days. Affairs were exciting. It was an ADVENTURE. My affairs were so intense, I could write a book just on my affairs (I think I will). But now I want to focus on SOLUTIONS. Women, I'm sorry but the way some of you are dressing now a days, You bringing the DOG out in us. I don't care if you a preacher, teacher or a just sitting on the bleacher, its hard to lower your gaze when you see nothing but ASS and TITTS. When you dress like that we not thinking about your mind, We want some BEHIND. Its in our nature Ladies. You cant change that. All we can do its correct it with your help. Now that there is a shortage of men, the cheating is getting crazier, especially in Atlanta. JESUS! Now that the women is downgraded to a BITCH, A HOE etc we NEED TO UPGRADE the women back to where she belongs. I was so puzzled on why men cheat, I actually went out and did a survey and you know whats interesting? Men cheat less, when the women is Less obvious.

When the women isn't trying to attract she is less likely to be cheated on. In other words ladies when you dress, fly (today's fly)trying to impress errrrrbody with your tits and ass out you are more likely to be cheated on. Sorry but true. The women that covers herself and watches how she looks in public and impresses her man in private, they are less likely to be cheated on. WHY? Lets go back to Africa again for a minute. See the KINGS and Leaders that have more then one wife, its not about SEX, its about the Intellect. Remember in our adventure as a man, we are ultimately looking for an Intellectual. Now keep in mind, we still would like to have more intellectual females around us, but it doesn't mean we have to have sex. So ladies, lets step up the intellectual game and men lets step up our teaching our women what we are really looking for game. Remember what SEX was intended for, TO RE-PRODUCE. Why do you think the MAN is so tired after sex and you (the women) is so energized after sex? WE JUST GAVE YOU LIFE! Now that we live in a SEX DRIVEN SOCIETY and reproduction isn't at the top of the list, we will see more and more cheating. If sex not intellect is the priority in your relationship, guess what? Your man's adventure wont stop until he finds that intellectual. Ladies become his adventure and he will always chase YOU.


  1. So, after two marriages of my own...I have realize that the page turns both ways. Women cheat as well, perhaps not for the same reasonings, but they do it. I believe as humans we will naturally be attracted to others even if we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we have someone good by our side already.

    My Question to you Khalil, and to the others reading this is...what does a woman like me, who understand these concepts, who understands the cheating has nothing to do with me, someone who for the most part doesn't believe in cheating (deception and lying)..... instead believes in communication and 100% even when its hard honesty, what does a woman like me do when she encounters these men that take will shamelessly take advantage of the fact that I have the understanding that "a man will roam, no matter what he has at home" and use it against me as an excuse to chase skirts with little regard to OUR relationship...

  2. i believe that many woman can control the sexual desire to cheap with others more than men can. And,in reference to love, how could you love a person and hurt them at the same is not suppose to be painful
