Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ladies you want to win him? Dont give it up.

OK in my last blog we dealt with men cheating. Now lets deal with another situation that can become an issue, giving up the ass to quick. This is for over 18 folks, No actually its not. The Kids need to read this too. I may piss a lot of dudes off with this topic but so be it. I have to write what GOD leads me to write regardless of who it pisses off. SEX SEX SEX and more SEX. That's all we see and hear.

I was in the mall the other day and the way some of these women were dressed I thought I was in a strip club. Some of the most gorgeous women with hardly anything on, my mind was just wondering. And the men were just all up in their faces, rapping and probably saying nothing. Remember today's man, his mind is on one thing when it comes to women, you got it, SEX. Especially dressing like that. The man is going to say and do just about anything to experience the sex. So you will hear, I love you. I will buy you a house, a car, a plane, a yacht, sometimes they will say a ring. 75 percent of the time you ladies go for it and you give it up. Once you give it up, guess what? You lost He WON. You lost the love war, he we won the lust war. He made it to the mountain top. He accomplished his goal. The Battle is over. Do you know what happens once the battle is over? You clean up and go home. Sometimes you don't clean up, you just go home. Now that the man gets the goods, it becomes the thing to do and that ring, yacht, car and all those promises from the beginning start to slowly fade away. So like clock work, you know when he wants some and you still giving it to him because you are afraid hes going somewhere else. Well he probably is already somewhere else fighting another war. It is what it is ladies. Now the way to prevent that is DON'T GIVE IT UP! Now if you just a straight up FREAK and just love to have sex, you can stop reading this now. If you are really interested in having a long lasting meaningful relationship keep reading. The way to get that right man is to make him wait. If he is the right one, trust me he will wait. How long? Until he puts a ring on it. LOL. Trust me if he wants you bad enough, he is going to put a ring on it.

I know what I'm writing is way easier said then done, but try it ladies, see what happens. I'm just so tired of seeing women hurt when the situation could of been different using a different tactic. Men need your help ladies. Help them be a gentlemen, make them open the doors for you, pull your seat out and all that good stuff. You never know, your husband can be sitting right next to you at work, in Church, In the Mosque, whereever. For the single women reading this, that man is looking for you right now. Its only a matter of time when he shows up and when he does, DON'T GIVE IT UP!

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