Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Oil Spill and 2012

Could President Obama be the Last President of the UNITED STATES as we know it?
That's a valid question and it has nothing to do with Conspiracy Theories. OK lets face some hard facts. Every sign in the Book of Revelations, the Quran, The Hadith (sayings of the Prophet) of the Prophet Muhammad of Saudi Arabia, Nostradamus, The Teachings of Elijah Muhammad are happening right before our eyes. As a Lover of Life and all it has to offer, I also see the Fall of America and the world. I don't care what religion you say you are, we all are in the same boat.

Unfortunately we all live under the rule of the Beast 666. Lets take a closer look at this 6. Just in a day is 24 hours, 2+4=6, and hour is 60 minutes, a minute is 60 seconds. Just in the measurement of time is the number 6. A year is 12 months divided by two is six months. As a child we used a ruler in school for measurement. The RULER is 12 inches long divided by 2 is 6. Why do you think its called a RULER. That's because the RULER is the BEAST (Illuminati) and his number is 6. But don't worry, the beast was also given 6,000 years to rule and his time has expired. So what you are seeing now is GOD destroying the Beast's world one incident at a time.

We have uncovered the BEAST, he has been exposed now. His Power will dissolve right before our eyes. So the best thing we can do is prepare. Keep a survival kit in your home. Eat the right foods. Learn to eat one meal a day not three and four times a day. The food supply will soon be limited. Water is going to be limited. Grow your own food if you can. Now is the time to really stay close with your families. Brothers we should be lending our a helping hand to these single mothers without expecting anything in return. The Christ is here, the one they never wanted you to see is here. That's why the Bible says he will come in like a thief in the night. Well he came. You don't have to believe me, just watch the events that take place in the next six months and see what is making the most since. All we can do it maintain, pool our resources and ride it out. 2012 going into 2013 is going to be an interesting time.

Does this sound familiar?

Revelation 8:8, 9
8 The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood, 9 a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.




Life is such a funny thing. Everyone is so opinionated and that's fine, however please research things before you start talking about it. I'm hearing people affiliated devil worship with the Masonic Fraternity. Well Ive been a Prince Hall Mason for 22 years and I don't go in the Lodge worshiping the devil. I think it's funny actually. Some of you may be worshiping the devil and not even realize it just from hating on each other. A Mason is a Builder, a Creator, a person that works his whole life to do the right things. No we are not perfect by no means, however we are taught to correct our mistakes. Here's a great quote I received from one of my elder fraternity brothers, "A person must be big enough to admit their mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them."

Our brotherhood is very strong and its international. The Masonic organization is the largest and oldest Fraternity in the world. Its not a secret organization, its just an organization that has secrets. If it was secret we wouldn't be talking about it. Remember Secrecy is the "KEY" to Unity. The reason why "THEY" can't figure out how to build a Pyramid is because it was kept a secret, only known to a certain People (that's another blog). To all my Muslim Brothers and Sisters that think Masonry is evil, think again. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was a Mason.

The Masonic Symbol on this blog, is the compass and the square. Tools that are used to build. The "G" stands for GOD. So where is there anything related to the devil? JAY Z a Mason? Maybe Maybe not. If he is, it has nothing to do with his music and how his music is marketed. Que's, Alpha's, Sigma's all are fraternal organizations with secrets. Why haven't they been accused of Devil Worship? Study before speaking. GOD BLESS!


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Clarence Khalil Neely

Is considered one of the best and most professional concert promoters on the east coast.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ladies you want to win him? Dont give it up.

OK in my last blog we dealt with men cheating. Now lets deal with another situation that can become an issue, giving up the ass to quick. This is for over 18 folks, No actually its not. The Kids need to read this too. I may piss a lot of dudes off with this topic but so be it. I have to write what GOD leads me to write regardless of who it pisses off. SEX SEX SEX and more SEX. That's all we see and hear.

I was in the mall the other day and the way some of these women were dressed I thought I was in a strip club. Some of the most gorgeous women with hardly anything on, my mind was just wondering. And the men were just all up in their faces, rapping and probably saying nothing. Remember today's man, his mind is on one thing when it comes to women, you got it, SEX. Especially dressing like that. The man is going to say and do just about anything to experience the sex. So you will hear, I love you. I will buy you a house, a car, a plane, a yacht, sometimes they will say a ring. 75 percent of the time you ladies go for it and you give it up. Once you give it up, guess what? You lost He WON. You lost the love war, he we won the lust war. He made it to the mountain top. He accomplished his goal. The Battle is over. Do you know what happens once the battle is over? You clean up and go home. Sometimes you don't clean up, you just go home. Now that the man gets the goods, it becomes the thing to do and that ring, yacht, car and all those promises from the beginning start to slowly fade away. So like clock work, you know when he wants some and you still giving it to him because you are afraid hes going somewhere else. Well he probably is already somewhere else fighting another war. It is what it is ladies. Now the way to prevent that is DON'T GIVE IT UP! Now if you just a straight up FREAK and just love to have sex, you can stop reading this now. If you are really interested in having a long lasting meaningful relationship keep reading. The way to get that right man is to make him wait. If he is the right one, trust me he will wait. How long? Until he puts a ring on it. LOL. Trust me if he wants you bad enough, he is going to put a ring on it.

I know what I'm writing is way easier said then done, but try it ladies, see what happens. I'm just so tired of seeing women hurt when the situation could of been different using a different tactic. Men need your help ladies. Help them be a gentlemen, make them open the doors for you, pull your seat out and all that good stuff. You never know, your husband can be sitting right next to you at work, in Church, In the Mosque, whereever. For the single women reading this, that man is looking for you right now. Its only a matter of time when he shows up and when he does, DON'T GIVE IT UP!

Men cheat because.........????

Yesterday was so deep. For some odd reason every conversation I had with my co workers was about men and cheating. So it inspired me to write this blog. First let me say this ladies, "ITS NOT YOU." You will hear me say that throughout this blog. "ITS NOT YOU." I'm the type of person that will never share a an opinion about a subject unless I experience it myself. After three marriages I feel I could be the best Marriage or relationship consultant in the world (LOL). ITS NOT YOU, trust me ladies, its not you when your man or husband is cheating. So don't lose self esteem. 85 percent of why men cheat is not because of something lacking in the women, its something totally different and in this blog, we going to get right to it. Some of you are going to so Disagree with me, but when you think hard about it deep down inside you will agree.

Lets start in the womb. When GOD decides he is going to bless the womb with a male, we begin the journey of adventure. For 9 Months, we are LOVED, and Nurtured by a women. When we finally break the womb, the first Love we experience is the Love of the Women (mother). Our first school teacher 75% of the time is a Women. If shes HOT we form a crush on her. Come on guys you remember one of your first crushes was your teacher. I know my first crush was with a NUN, Sister Edna, she was one FINE NUN. I will never forget her. (I went to a Catholic School by the way). Then we (men) meet that first girl we are attracted to. So when we discover that we are attracted to women, the adventure begins. Now I cant speak for Gay dudes, I'm not gay but I would love to write a blog about your experience as well. Notice I said adventure, that's how we (men) see life. At least I do. OK now lets take a look back in time for a minute, actually lets go back to AFRICA. If you ever get a chance to go to Africa, GO! In certain parts of Africa, the leaders or men of Royalty have more then one wife. Its a practice that has been in existence since the beginning of the Universe. Now you Women are saying, OH HELL NAW, You not going to blame this on AFRICA. Yes I am. I'm not going to blame it on the devil, like most do. We (Black men especially) have to Blame it on AFRICA, if not we are nothing but a bunch of Nasty Dogs that can never be cured. So now that we are at the root of the situation (problem), lets go for the solution.

Today Cheaters are coming out the woodwork, they even have a show called Cheaters. Politicians, Preachers, Teachers, Businessmen, everybody is cheating. Well not everybody, we will deal with men that don't cheat in another blog. Women why don't you think men between the ages of 19 to 45 aren't rushing to get married today? Its simple, they know they cant be faithful so why waist the time. Remember Ladies, "ITS NOT YOU." Some of the Hottest women in the world get cheated on. Halle, Vanessa Williams, Kobes Wife (lol), My past wives. Yes I said my past wives. As bad as I desired to be a good husband I cheated also. Yes I feel bad about it and I struggled with it for a long time, especially after I saw the hurt and pain it caused my wives. Thank GOD we are all great friends now and its nothing in the world we wouldn't do for each other. It was never nothing my wives did wrong or lacking at all. Both my Ex Wives are FINE as HEAVEN, SEXY and Yes the BED ROOM was the BOMB. BUT, its a BUT there. I still was attracted to other women. If it was someone I wanted, I would do everything in my power to get it. Ladies you be surprise what men do to win you over. Well Maybe not now a days. Affairs were exciting. It was an ADVENTURE. My affairs were so intense, I could write a book just on my affairs (I think I will). But now I want to focus on SOLUTIONS. Women, I'm sorry but the way some of you are dressing now a days, You bringing the DOG out in us. I don't care if you a preacher, teacher or a just sitting on the bleacher, its hard to lower your gaze when you see nothing but ASS and TITTS. When you dress like that we not thinking about your mind, We want some BEHIND. Its in our nature Ladies. You cant change that. All we can do its correct it with your help. Now that there is a shortage of men, the cheating is getting crazier, especially in Atlanta. JESUS! Now that the women is downgraded to a BITCH, A HOE etc we NEED TO UPGRADE the women back to where she belongs. I was so puzzled on why men cheat, I actually went out and did a survey and you know whats interesting? Men cheat less, when the women is Less obvious.

When the women isn't trying to attract she is less likely to be cheated on. In other words ladies when you dress, fly (today's fly)trying to impress errrrrbody with your tits and ass out you are more likely to be cheated on. Sorry but true. The women that covers herself and watches how she looks in public and impresses her man in private, they are less likely to be cheated on. WHY? Lets go back to Africa again for a minute. See the KINGS and Leaders that have more then one wife, its not about SEX, its about the Intellect. Remember in our adventure as a man, we are ultimately looking for an Intellectual. Now keep in mind, we still would like to have more intellectual females around us, but it doesn't mean we have to have sex. So ladies, lets step up the intellectual game and men lets step up our teaching our women what we are really looking for game. Remember what SEX was intended for, TO RE-PRODUCE. Why do you think the MAN is so tired after sex and you (the women) is so energized after sex? WE JUST GAVE YOU LIFE! Now that we live in a SEX DRIVEN SOCIETY and reproduction isn't at the top of the list, we will see more and more cheating. If sex not intellect is the priority in your relationship, guess what? Your man's adventure wont stop until he finds that intellectual. Ladies become his adventure and he will always chase YOU.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Lets get it straight. My SLAVE name is Clarence Neely. I love my first name because it means brilliant and popular. For those that really know me, knows that I have actually lived up to that. My last name Neely unfortunately I'm not proud of, let me explain. My fathers last name was Neely and My mothers last name was McNeely. Both my mother and father grew up in the same town of Long Branch, New Jersey. My Uncle(Donald McNeely) and I researched our family history all the way back to the Plantation. It was called the Neely Plantation in Concord, North Carolina. The Neely plantation was known for growing Tobacco. When Slavery was ended and the Slaves on the Neely Plantation decided to leave, the changed the name to McNeely thinking that totally disassociated themselves from the Slave Master. So the McNeelys left and headed north. Some stayed on the Plantation because they didn't no what to do. Ironically my McNeely side of the family is where all the entreprenures are, interesting. The Neely side of the family are the 9 to 5 workers. When I was 13 my older Sister Fatimah Abdullah Shakur aka Fatimah Shabazz (Iris Neely) introduced me to the Nation of Islam. We attended Mosque number 20 in Camden, New Jersey. I was a member of the Jr. FOI and was one of the TOP Muhammad Speaks newspaper salesmen. Its was sort of like my first job outside of playing in a band and a life guard during the Summer. During one of our Major Gatherings our leader the Honorable Elijah Muhammad came to town. After the event we all went over to the Shabazz steak and take to eat. When Elijah Muhammad walked in her notice me clowning in the back with another Jr. FOI. The Captain yelled attention. I immediately stood at attention. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad called me over, I was so nervous and he told me to sit down. I thought he was going to ripp into me. Instead he told me I had a beautiful and friendly smile. He said my smile and my friendliness would open doors. At that point he told me, I was Khalil. Khalil means friendly or good friend. My Older sister called me that every since. So I've had the name Khalil since I was 16. I was the only one in the Mosque at that time with a name given by the Messenger. Everyone else continue to use their first name and the X. When the Messenger departed, the Nation of Islam feel apart. The Mosque shut down, brothers went back to the streets, James Shabazz got shot in the Mosque in Newark New Jersey. It got Crazy. My father instructed me to leave and go in the military. Music was nothing but a drug invested world so that wasn't doing me any good either. So by GOD's grace, I joined the Coast Guard. Becuase of my love for the water, I fell in love with the Coast Guard. After Bootcamp I got stationed in Norfolk, VA. One day I was shopping on Granby mall and saw a brother selling the Bilalian News which was the Muhammad Speaks. I gave him the greeting of As Salaam Aliakum. He returned the greeting and told me his name was Bilal. He invited me to the Mosque in Norfolk which was Mosque number 57. When I got there. I was surprised to see the Minister or Iman was James Shabazz Jr. The son of Minister James Shabazz from Newark NJ who was killed in the Mosque. James Shabazz Jr. assistant Imans name was Dr. Naim Akbar (the famed Author). What a surprised. So I joined the Mosque in Norfolk under the leadership of Warrith Deen Muhammad, the son of Elijah Muhammad. I enjoyed the Mosque and learning the Sunnah (way of) the Prophet Muhammad of Saudi Arabia. One day, I saw a fl yer with a Picture of Minister Louis Farrakhan on it advertising him coming to a Church in the area. At that time I didn't know what to think. But I went and saw him speak. Minister Farrakhan had such a glow on him. I knew that something big was about to happen and I just couldn't wait to hear it. In his speech he ask for help rebuilding the Nation of Islam. I jumped at the opportunity and after his speech we met downstairs for dinner. The Pastor of the Church is a well known Freedom fighter in Norfolk VA, Reverend Milton Ried. At the dinner I met a Sister name Ida Sands another Freedom fighter. When I talk to the Minister at dinner I was trying my best to get him to remember me from New Jersey. Unfortunately he didn't remember me but he remembered my Sister. He told me My Sister is a Powerful women because she was with the Black Panther Party in Philadelphia and he had spoken with her several times about the rebirth of the Nation. After speaking with him I felt the need to tell every brother at my unit about the re birth of the Nation. I was excited. Minister Farrakhan assigned Larry X Spruill as the Minister to Norfolk and I joined in. My only problem was I was in the Military and I couldn't be a full fledged member like before. Nevertheless I soldiered, I sold papers, bean pies. This sharpen my sales skills again. I would sell the paper on the Navy base (smile). I loved selling the final call. I would form groups in the military for brothers that were interested but couldn't join. I started a group called U N I short for Unity. The white folks didn't like but they respected it because what I taught was good and made the men work harder. At that point I took on the name Rasul Malik Shabazz. Rasul Means the Messenger, Malik Means the King and Shabazz is the original tribe before Adam and Eve. So there you have it. Thats how I became Khalil Rasul Malik Shabazz, the short version is Khalil Malik. People often ask what do you prefer to be called? I prefer Khalil. I'm no longer a slave and I don't want anything tied to my former Slave master. Those of you with Johnson, Brown, Jackson, so forth and so on. Those are your former Slave Masters names. Trust me they respect you more when you decide to break that chain. Thank GOD President Obama's mother kept his name. Thank you for reading this any further questions please don't hesitate to ask.

Khalil Malik


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The Digital Take Over

The last battle is coming between good and evil before the day of judgment.

I call it Armageddon Radio.

For years now I have been warning that the radio industry would forever decline if it did not embrace the digital beyond.

Many of you agree.

Radio CEOs do not.

But now even they cannot dodge the mounting evidence that just running on-air stations will not be good enough to sustain a growth industry.

Don’t take my word.

At the recent BIA/Kelsey conference in Jersey City (hooray for that conference site from this Jersey boy), they made breaking news.

According to accounts in Inside Radio, there is “slow growth for radio’s on-air assets, stronger growth for online” and it quotes BIA/Kelsey as saying “the media world has been irreversibly changed for consumers, businesses and media companies”.

Thus, a reallocation of ad dollars.

From terrestrial to online.

Radio and traditional media is still a potent force but online is growing rapidly. The shift that I’ve said is driven by generational considerations is a full blown revolution.

Even Clear Channel, Cumulus and Citadel – the Three Blind Mice – will have to fess up and gear up.

According to Inside Radio, “Total local ad spending for all media will grow from $128.9 billion in 2010 to $144.9 billion by 2014, president Neal Polachek says. Traditional media’s piece will decline during that period while the slice allocated to digital will more than double, from $17.5 billion this year to $36.7 billion in 2014. “

Here’s the scary part, according to Polachek, “If you pull digital out of traditional media, you can see that traditional media is declining over the next five years…”

Digital accounting for 25% of all local advertising by 2014.

Newspapers 13.3% (down from 21.5% in 2009)

Online 13.1% (from 5.4% in 2009).

TV 12.3%.

Radio 10.7% of ad dollars.

Analysts – the few still left standing in radio – are loathe to predict an industry robust enough to even equal where it was before the recession.

As we say in Philly, “who don’t know that”.

The world has changed but radio has basically remained the same.

Radio companies spend next to nothing on interactive enterprises while consumers spend like crazy even during a bad economy to own the latest Apple devices and smart phones.

Radio geniuses play down the importance of Pandora, the heir apparent to music radio, by making the same lame comparisons they used to make when they compared radio to satellite radio – that is, mine (audience) is bigger than yours.

Everybody wants to be Pandora and young and old alike adore it -- about 48 million strong and growing (source: Media Maverick).

So, I’ve warned all this was coming and who would have thought a radio publication as good as Inside Radio would one day have its four top stories about digital issues? That says volumes as well.

The Dark Ages of Consolidation are ending and the Renaissance of Mobile Internet is happening.

Perhaps you saw the Coke “Happiness Machine”Commercial that has had over 2 million views that is indicative of how advertisers will precede radio into new media. Take a look:

One of my readers wrote to remind me the other day that the radio of the future that I often describe is not really radio. And he is correct. It will be different but the skill sets that radio companies have give them the added competitive advantage.

The radio industry wants to operate on the premise that today’s on-demand audiences need 24/7 broadcasting. They cling to that premise and get snarky when challenged.

Yet, look around, young people and even a growing number of older listeners want to be in the driver’s seat backed up by a recent Forbe’s article on “The New Normal: Your Customer Is In The Driver's Seat”.

This is no time to take it personally.

The radio industry will have to adapt.

Perhaps they didn’t like hearing it from me or the handful of others who warned that sociology was on a collision course with technology.

Now, even at their media conferences – the news is the same.

Digital tracking up.

Traditional heading down.

So what is the answer?

I know I am preaching to the converted here, but let’s just preview what radio can and should do to avoid going down with the ship:

1. Bolster local, terrestrial radio. Not voice-tracking or cheap syndicated schemes. Hire personalities. Do local commercials. Please fans. We know how to do this so let’s do it now. Terrestrial radio can be a large chunk of free cash flow that will fund the necessary transition to digital platforms so this is no time to fire talent, do repeater radio and drive willing listeners prematurely away from the mothership.

2. Reread number one.

3. Budget 10% of your operating budget to interactive media as soon as possible. Add a minimum of 5% to that every year if radio is serious about becoming part of the digital revolution. And it had better be because when BIA/Kelsey predicts turbulence ahead, the industry is running out of happy talk upon which to stay the course.

4. Build local interactive hubs around the cities where you have existing stations. Then, get ready to go into markets where you do not have clusters. All of these interactive hubs should be autonomous and local.

5. Read the words “autonomous and local” without anything in your mouth this time so you don’t choke on it.

6. I can name at least ten growth industries for these local hubs – digital publishing is one, local record business is two, new social media connections is three. The other seven will cost you (wink/wink).

7. Pressure the NAB to negotiate special rates for streaming and podcasting in return for a fair and easy to swallow performance tax on terrestrial radio. I don’t think radio should have to pay this tax, as you know, but radio is going to lose the battle in Congress in the years ahead. Use what they want to get what radio needs – a preferential arrangement to make music podcasting and non-terrestrial radio streaming affordable.

8. Talk radio is aging – there is a way for radio to lead the next “talk” revolution that isn’t built around politics, three or four hour shows or even listener call in. The next generation gets its talk radio on by interacting in social media. Hell, you do it when you go to a Radio-Info message board. Radio companies should build it and they will come.

9. Brainstorm for the iPad – that is the entertainment device of at least the next ten years. Everything you do should be optimized for iPad and by that I do not mean offering apps to access existing content. In the future, if you can find 10,000 people who will pay $25 a year to hear a jazz expert do a one-hour jazz show each day, then you have generated $250,000 a year in subscriptions alone. As you know I am working on the pay model with a bright developer and I believe pay is the way.

10. Then do 10 more of number 9 and bring in $2.5 million in niche programming revenue to add to your improved terrestrial radio free cash flow. Now are you liking the mobile Internet?

11. Get into TV. Not ABC or Fox type TV. Or even YouTube. If you’re with me on the importance of building content for the iPad, imagine the video shows you could professionally do each week with sponsors that could put you in the television business without having to have the expenses of our friends across the street.

I’m just warming up but I wanted you to see what I mean when I say – improve terrestrial radio so it can keep cranking out free cash flow to fund the fundamental change in consumer preferences for new media.

Coke may have found its “Happiness Machine”.

But yours is likely to be an iPad, Ford Sync or similar device the nature of which consumers cannot get enough.

My message to the radio industry: Don’t whine or pout.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I was really inspired by a young gentlemen today. I realize its about time I give back and show young talented individuals how to make and do the right thing in this entertianment game, especially as it relates to Concerts and Events. As I mentioned in one of my previous blogs, we are starting a concert promotions company in Los Angeles called California Concert Promotions Group. We want to show young people how to survive in this business. If you are interested in concert promotions and big event planning please feel free to give us a call toll free: 866-925-9449 ext 2, or e-mail me, I look foward to hearing from you.

All The Best.

Clarence "Khalil" Neely
Khalil Malik


Good Day everyone! I hope and pray your day is going well. I just want to clear a few things up as well as help others that may be contemplating concert promotions or entertainment as a career move.

As most of you know, theres been alot of internet chatter about me an ripping people off. Let me clear this up now so we can go forward. The entertainment business is an ego filled business and is very hard to get into. Its not easy getting major acts for concerts. So some the situations I got myself into could of been looked at as ripping someone off. Actually is was taking a lost. Taking a lost and ripping someone off are two different things. Only 40 percent of what you see on Ripp Off Report about me is true. Yes, there was some mistakes made Ill have to admit. However alot of the stuff you see are simply Lies and Jealously. Unfortunately no matter how postive you get you still have haters. I simply turn my haters into lovers. For starters here is a copy and paste of an email I received from one of the contributers of Rip Off Report:

I want to make another one with you. I am planning to invest $25,000 for your next concert. What show are you planing next time?
Let's discuss.

Ken is from California and did a deal with me, that we had to pull for the lack of ticket sales. Sometimes in concert promotions you have to pull a show becuase you run the risk of losing even more money. Ken and I are actually about to start a new concert promotions business based in California. Now thats a bad situation turned good. Every situation has a legit reason for what happened and I feel I dont deserve what was said on Ripp Off, especially the Lies. Another thing that was on Ripp Off. The Corporate Business Group came to me about producing a womens conference inviting Pastor Juanita Bynum in. I did exactly that. So how in the world did I not have nothing to do with it. Unfortunatetly that resulted in a Legal Situation between Corporate Business Group and Juanita Bynum which we have nothing to do with. The Tony Hawk Situation another lost, the tour was bought out by Live Nation. Giants In the Business. Yes mistakes were made, but Im strong enough to correct my mistakes and keep it moving. Actually heres a quote I love: "A person must be big enough to admit their mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them."

I had another situation with a Bobby Valentino show, now everybody in concert promotions knows that you cant do similar shows at the same venue within sixty days. Well in this case the Venue Director Booked another R & B show a DAY yes A DAY before our show and never told us about it, so I postponed the show hoping we could find a good date to re do the show. Remember once you put deposits out there for an Artists you dont get them back. Shalimar Braizer who put alot of the salt in the wound was one of the partners with that show. However he shared with all his facebook friends our business as well as the situation on Ripp Off. Well until he gives me an apology on facebook (becuae he put it up there in the first place) we wont consider any repayment to him. See I made that public. Run tell that. Another unfortunate situation was with Lil Wayne that was once again bought out by Live Nation. I am working things out with that investor now. So if you really want to know about any situation you see on Ripp Off or about our firm Please ask us, we have learn to be perfectly honest with people. We will give it to you RAW. Thank you for your time. You can email me @ Sorry Haters But we wont never QUIT.